Therapeutic Foster Care

Location Contact Number
Birmingham, AL (205) 942-7516
Huntsville, AL (256) 864-0117
Montgomery, AL (334) 271-2402
Oxford, AL (256) 835-4883
Baltimore, MD (410) 296-1568
Riverdale, MD (877) 699-0270
Contact Us
Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. specializes in providing Therapeutic Foster Care, which is designed to meet the specific individualized needs of children and families. The agency designs individualized, needs-driven and family-focused treatment plans for foster children and their families, while developing and facilitating a permanency plan for each child. The agency specializes in creating a continuum of care, which includes traditional/regular foster care, specialized/therapeutic foster care, and family reunification and preservation services.
Specialized/Therapeutic Foster Care is designed to place children within the mainstream of community life. Services are based on the Teaching Family model and involve the following features:
- Placement of a child with Family Teachers/Foster Parents who have been recruited specifically to work with children who present emotional and behavioral challenges.
- Specialized pre-service and on-going training for Family Teachers/Foster Parents to assist them in providing a safe and nurturing home environment.
- Client-to-staff ratios that are in accordance with State Minimum Standards requirements.
- A strong support system among the Family Teachers/Foster Parents.
- Difficulty-of-care stipends for Family Teachers/Foster Parents.
Other features of our Unconditional Therapeutic Foster Care Services include:
- Crisis response teams on-call 24-hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year.
- Basic living skills instruction.
- Behavioral management/Coaching skills.
- Case management.
- Family support/Parenting services.
- Individual/family assessments/treatment planning and implementation.
- In-home family/individual counseling and therapy services.
- Supervised therapeutic family visitations.
- Group counseling.
- Support and services for substance abusers.
- Family reunification/preservation services.
- Support services for youth affiliated with gangs.
- Documented services contacts.
- Respite care.
- Transportation services.
- Community inclusion and Educational advocacy and support.