Wrap-Around Services

Location Contact Number
Birmingham, AL (205) 942-7516
Huntsville, AL (256) 864-0117
Montgomery, AL (334) 271-2402
Oxford, AL (256) 835-4883
Baltimore, MD (410) 296-1568
Riverdale, MD (877) 699-0270
Contact Us
Wrap-around Services is a term that symbolizes wrapping a child/family with support and services to ensure a safe, stable and nurturing home environment. The objectives are to provide varying levels of support until the family reaches an adequate level of self sufficiency, achieves/maintains economic stability; and remedies circumstances of neglect, abuse or exploitation of children and/or family members who are unable to protect their own interest.
Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. exhausts all efforts to keep children safe at home whenever possible. Wrap-around services, designed to meet the specific individualized needs of families, are available to assist in this effort.
Components of Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. Wrap-around Services include: Individual and Family Therapy; Crisis Intervention Resolution; Educational Advocacy Support; Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment; Therapeutic Transportation; Basic Living Skills Instruction; Documentation of Service Contacts; Community Linkage; Family Support/Parenting Services; Safety Planning; and Assessment Treatment Planning.
- Individual and Family Therapy – Individual and family therapy services include marital counseling, in-home assessment and problem resolution. The desired result is improved self-esteem and self-reliance and the reduction of needed services.
- Crisis Intervention – Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. workers are available 24-hours per day, 7 days per week for crisis intervention and emergency support. Areas in need of crisis intervention would include conflict resolution and substance abuse counseling.
- Educational Support – Educational support services include testing, tutoring, classroom behavioral support, vocational assistance, special education, behavioral coaching and transportation.
- Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment – Support services available for clients struggling with substance abuse include assessments, inpatient treatment, aftercare, support groups, individual and family counseling and therapeutic transportation.
- Therapeutic Transportation – Therapeutic transportation is available for school activities, health-related needs, support groups, counseling, employment, assessments, and other activities.
- Training in Basic Living Skills – Qualified workers provide support for clients and families in the areas of bill payment, shopping, checking and savings accounts, household expenses and budgeting skills.
- Documentation – Our staff provides documentation on a monthly basis and on request for ISP’s, monthly plans, treatment plans, court reports, incident reports and more.