by intisar | Jul 12, 2022 | Aging Forward, Foster Care, Health, Parenting, Social Work, Wellness
By Intisar Seraaj Discussion Topics: Defining sleep hygiene Sleep hygiene’s importance for foster parents Importance of therapeutic foster parents understanding sleep hygiene How sleep hygiene improves overall wellness Improving your sleep hygiene What is...
by sstinson | May 20, 2022 | Foster Care, therapy, Uncategorized, Wellness
When your only weapon to fight trauma and stigma is love, you fight hard and become a pretty intuitive warrior. We experienced this love at The Grandma Home House Retreat on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at our annual fellowship for National Foster Care Month. Love is the...
by sstinson | Mar 24, 2022 | Foster Care, Health, remote work, Trauma, Wellness
Food is a topic we can all relate to, whether it’s the love of eating or the struggle to eat healthier. Because March is National Nutrition Month, our focus at Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. is how to combat childhood obesity, address food-related trauma, and help our...
by sstinson | Feb 11, 2022 | Child Welfare, Foster Care, Parenting, Social Work, therapy, Trauma, Uncategorized, Wellness
Written by Guest Contributor: CEO Abdul Seraaj The former Regional Senior Manager for Seraaj Family Homes, Inc. (SFH), John Stamps, has a remarkable story of success as a pioneer of our wraparound services. Stamps was hired right out of college from Alabama State...
by sstinson | Jul 2, 2021 | Adoption, Health, Parenting, Uncategorized, Wellness
By: Shay Stinson Summertime is here and while still in a pandemic we are desperately searching for ways to enjoy a fun-filled, low-cost break for the whole family. We have found a few tips and tricks to share with families on how to adjust your budgets and schedules...
by intisar | May 28, 2021 | Health, Wellness
By Intisar Seraaj | Contributed by LeBarbara Stinson People have been ready to get back outside after being stuck inside during this pandemic, just in time to enjoy the rest of Spring and to kick off Summer. With the weather warming up all around the U.S. and with the...