by intisar | Nov 10, 2020 | Child Welfare, Foster Care, Special Needs
By Intisar Seraaj If you’re not really a T.V. or movie-watching type of person, the weather during the Spring and Summer was on your side. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we had to find alternative ways of entertaining ourselves like going on nature walks, outdoor...
by sstinson | Jul 21, 2020 | Aging Forward, Foster Care, Parenting, remote work, School, Special Needs
by Shay Stinson and Lisa Williams, PhD We love to bring our readers and followers as many perspectives on various topics as possible. Last week, we shared what available research and a few parents said about youth attending a traditional brick-and-mortar school this...
by sstinson | Jan 31, 2020 | Aging Forward, Foster Care, Q&A
Q&A With Former Foster Child Synethia Davis, Who Joined the Military After Aging Forward * From our “Aging Forward” Series Interview by Shay Stinson Edited by Intisar Seraaj Aging forward is a huge transition in the life of a young adult in foster care. As seen in...
by sstinson | Nov 19, 2019 | Aging Forward, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Parenting
Aging Forward Past Foster Care: Making A Progression Plan By Shay Stinson Edited by Intisar Seraaj Welcome back to the continuation of the “Aging...
by intisar | Nov 3, 2019 | Articles
“Love won’t let go…” By Shay Stinson, Junior Content Creator I caught up with Lorene Harper this past Sunday evening as she was relaxing and preparing for the new week. Her college-sophomore daughter, Porshuna, had stopped by to do the usual college...