by intisar | Sep 1, 2020 | Child Welfare, Health, Suicide Awareness, therapy
By Intisar Seraaj *This blog is in honor of those who have died by suicide, those who are survivors of attempted suicide and who are still with us, as well as, those directly affected by it. If you or a loved one needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention...
by sstinson | Jul 10, 2020 | Child Welfare, Parenting
By Shay Stinson Are your children returning to their school or will you be homeschooling? In the next two months, when school usually reopens in the U.S., we’ll be seeing what parents have decided, how schools are managing, and how the pandemic is progressing or...
by sstinson | May 27, 2020 | Adoption, Aging Forward, Articles, Foster Care, Parenting, Social Work
By Shay Stinson There are many valuable lessons we can pull from the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. One important lesson is that change is inevitable. The process of change can be very abrupt, but it can also be subtle. With reflection, we see many things that have...
by sstinson | Apr 29, 2020 | Child Welfare, Foster Care, Special Needs, therapy
Non-traditional therapy is a term used to describe methods of mental health therapy that have limited evidence-based research. Some examples include animal-assisted therapy (AAT), creative arts therapy (CAT), and horticulture therapy. Although there may be a lack of...
by sstinson | Dec 20, 2019 | Adoption, Child Welfare, Foster Care, Social Work, Suicide Awareness
By Shay Stinson It’s the holiday season and the crowds are slowly shifting through crowded department stores. The sound of holiday music surrounds us. Songs of joy, laughter, happiness and hope are being constantly piped into our psyche. The air of giving is thick and...