by intisar | Nov 10, 2020 | Child Welfare, Foster Care, Special Needs
By Intisar Seraaj If you’re not really a T.V. or movie-watching type of person, the weather during the Spring and Summer was on your side. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we had to find alternative ways of entertaining ourselves like going on nature walks, outdoor...
by intisar | Oct 1, 2020 | Health, Wellness
By Intisar Seraaj There’s a strong common understanding about how important literacy is. In the U.S., only about 14% of the entire adult population is illiterate and the U.S. ranks 16th in the world for adult reading skills, according to CreditDonkey, a credit card...
by intisar | Sep 8, 2020 | Child Welfare, Health
By Intisar Seraaj If you weren’t already a worrywart, this year might have pushed you towards being one. At the beginning of the pandemic, strangers and loved-ones alike might flinch or stare you down, fearful that you have COVID-19, even if you just had...
by intisar | Jul 20, 2020 | Foster Care, Social Work, Special Needs
By Intisar Seraaj In April 2020, while stuck in quarantine, we rolled out a Netflix recommendations list. Three months later, COVID-19 is still going strong, especially in the U.S. So, we’re rolling out another list for our Netflix recommendations to keep you...
by sstinson | Jul 10, 2020 | Child Welfare, Parenting
By Shay Stinson Are your children returning to their school or will you be homeschooling? In the next two months, when school usually reopens in the U.S., we’ll be seeing what parents have decided, how schools are managing, and how the pandemic is progressing or...